Creating killer course content is only half of the battle when it comes to designing an eLearning course. You also need to present your content in a way that addresses the key tenets of user experience: aesthetics, usability, accessibility, performance and levels of human interaction. Establishing a good user experience means your course is much more likely to yield positive student experiences and excellent business results for your clients. So how do you go about creating the best possible user experience for your eLearning course?     1. ... [more]

Two business professionals looking at OpenSesame courses and giving one another high fives in the office

Unfortunately, all too often sales representatives rarely achieve those desired C-level sales. A recent Forbes article explains, “eight out of 10 executive buyers consider the sales meetings they take to be a waste of time” and believe that representatives do not demonstrate an adequate knowledge of their buyers business. Perhaps this is not purely the inherent shortcoming of the sales representative, but an indication of a more insidious issue of sales reps not being adequately trained with the business skills to successfully seize these c-level sale opportunities.   The Solution? ... [more]

The 2016 summer learning playlist is finally here! Summer is a great time to start those projects and plans that you’ve been meaning to start but have put off all year. It is also a perfect time to try and/or learn something new and different. Today I want to offer you a playlist of elearning courses that could help you feel productive this summer and give you some fresh new knowledge. Each course was handpicked based on quality, easiness to understand, and usefulness. ... [more]

At OpenSesame, we believe in supporting fellow tech startups, and today we have compiled a list of four online tools from these businesses. The only two pieces of criteria for selection were that the companies and their tool had to: a) belong to Gen Z (founded after 2004) and b) be used by the OpenSesame team. ... [more]