Sexual harassment affects more than just the employees involved—it affects your entire organization. Besides causing emotional duress and decreased performance, lawsuits resulting from sexual harassment are stressful and expensive. Sexual harassment prevention training can help build awareness as well as provide guidelines on what to do when encountering these situations. ... [more]

If you operate a business in the state of California with over 50 employees, you may be fairly familiar with AB 1825 which requires companies to provide at least two hours of sexual harassment training to supervisors. However, in the past two years these policies have been expanded. Have you been keeping up with the most recent training updates?   Updates to California Sexual Harassment Training   Currently, AB 1825 alone will not satisfy compliance requirements. As of 2015, California also requires that companies comply with AB 2053 which includes training on abusive conduct. ... [more]

Group of business professionals reviewing AB 1825 Sexual Harassment updates

In recent news, all too often we're seeing that sexual harassment is continuing to be a pervasive issue. Why? And how can companies better support employees? We're an elearning company and our primary focus is on training. Oftentimes many companies aren’t aware of how to support employees or how important it is to take steps to prevent harassment in the first place. ... [more]

Group of diverse business people in boardroom for a meeting