Course of the Week Highlight: Dive into Banking and Finance!

Banking and Finance can be a complicated world to navigate. There are regulations and legal issues to be aware of, not to mention general banking information and security. Training is a great way to ensure you stay on top of the latest banking info and can give you a competitive advantage when seeking a promotion or changing jobs.

Begin or enhance your banking career today! This week's featured courses are here to give you the knowledge you need.


Featured Courses

By: SNL Knowledge Center

Do you work for a bank and want to understand the specifics of bank financial statements? Get an essential understanding of bank financial statements and learn to recognize the most closely watched items in a bank's income statement and balance sheet. Topics covered in this course include core deposits, interest, loans, and more!

By: Kesdee

If you're a bank employee looking for a better understanding of security in your workplace, this course is for you! Understand the key security features of a bank and how to address hazardous situations. Become a pro at identifying con artists and suspicious behavior. Daily bank security routines and teller ethical behavior are also covered.

By: 360 Training

Do you work in banking and/or finance? Does your company trade internationally. Course Benefits: Bribery, red flags, consultancy agreements, willful ignorance, accounting controls, the grease exception, and routine governmental actions are all covered within this course. Ensure your compliance—don't get caught violating the FCPA.