Course of the Week: Protect Your Data From Latest Security Issues

Only a few weeks out from the Heartbleed Bug, another major web security vulnerability has been unearthed. This time, a browser itself is the problem. The U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team and its UK counterpart are advising Internet Explorer users to consider an alternative browser until a major flaw is repaired.

How can you protect yourself and your company against these and other security issues? Our featured courses this week can help!

Featured Courses

By: Atomic

While Microsoft addresses the security flaw in its Internet Explorer browser, consider using Firefox as an alternative. Firefox is a free web browser with an intuitive interface that also blocks viruses, spyware, and popup ads. This two-and-a-half hour course from Atomic Learning reviews features like tabbed browsing, live bookmarks, and the integrated search bar—all for only $10/learner. Firefox is a great course for those looking to switch or current users who would like to use the browser more effectively.

Learn Windows 8
By: Simon Sez It

With support having ended for Windows XP on April 8, security issues are beginning to hit those users and companies that have not upgraded. Avoid the risks from staying on XP and get up to speed on Windows 8. Learn Windows 8 provides a comprehensive overview of the most recent operating system, walking learners through the new start screen, features, and even providing keyboard shortcuts to increase productivity. The nearly nine hour course is available for $18.97/learner—a tremendous value when you consider the cost of a security breach.

Application Security Risk Management
By: Aspect Security

Recent news has made it evident web and application security is more important than ever. If you or your company build applications, it is critical your technical staff know how to properly secure their code—and who better to provide instruction than the experts? Aspect Security is a founding member of the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) and author of the OWASP Top Ten, a list of the most critical web application security flaws. This 15-minute course, priced at $19.99/learners, provides you with the tools necessary to create a technical infrastructure, one that can effectively manage risks and generate useful metrics around security.

Bonus Deal

Conflict Resolution: The Psychology of Dealing With Difficult People
By: People Tonic

Do you find working with difficult people frustrating? Don't you wish you could stop them from getting to you? This course from People Tonic will help you manage different types of difficult people and the underlying psychological elements of each. In just 60 minutes, you can equip yourself with the knowledge to better interact with clients, coworkers and others! This course is available for 70% off through May 6—only $6/learner.