Hello from Our New Senior Account Executive

Hi there! I am Jolene Langford, Senior Account Executive with OpenSesame. I am delighted to join such a positive group of people all working towards the same goal of building a business.

This is my first adventure with a startup, and from what I hear, they are quite addictive! After spending five years developing new business within the safety and training world, I ventured into the staffing industry. I went from wearing a hard hat and touring manufacturing facilities to the much more *safe* environment of sitting across the desk from an HR Manager. Both paths eventually lead me to telecom sales. In 2008 the economy wasn’t doing so hot and staffing was, quite frankly, a luxury. With that in mind, I had the super idea to go to work for the phone company. It was a utility after all, and doesn't every business need phones and internet? This move proved to be one of the most challenging yet rewarding moves in my career. It was very difficult work learning to design MPLS networks and all of the nuances that came with telecom magic. Luckily I was a quick study and even began to run the sales training department.

It was a great former mentor of mine that reignited my passion for training and helped me to see what a great opportunity OpenSesame held for me. OpenSesame will allow me to put all 15 years of my sales experience to use under one role! Safety, training, HR, and sales! I am very excited to be here and look forward to helping grow the brand of Opensesame and gaining some great new relationships along the way. Coming to work every day with people that actually enjoy their job is the most amazing feeling! The relaxed environment is professional yet casual and allows me to go home without a ton of stress on my mind.

I spend all of my free time with my husband Shawn and our three daughters ages 8, 6 and 3. One of our favorite ways to spend time together is going to Mariners Games and eating hotdogs and cotton candy. I am a native Portlander and love the size and culture of this city! Portland is the perfect city for OpenSesame to call home—a definite Portland-cultured company that I am so grateful to call mine!