Trump the Usage Slump: New eBook Coming in August!

Earlier this year, an OpenSesame customer asked me for marketing tactics we used when promoting our marketplace. Her company had recently purchased OpenSesame courses and was preparing to launch their first elearning initiative. She wanted to make sure the program was successful, and understood communication was going to play a key role. I shared a few of our marketing resources and, naturally, went in search of more.

Over the last several months, I have shared my findings through a six-part blog series on how to market your elearning programs internally. Whether you’re six months out from launching your program or six months into its release, these tips and tricks can be helpful in increasing engagement and communicating the value of your program.

Of course, the trouble with a blog series is many more examples and exercises have come to my attention that should be included. So, instead of making you wait each month for the latest post in the series, we’ve decided to compile all this helpful information into one place.

Next month, OpenSesame will release our fifth ebook, “Trump the Usage Slump: Tips for Marketing Your eLearning Program.” The book will expand on the topics covered through the blog series, as well as include exercises to help develop your marketing and examples to adapt for your company.

If you would like to receive early access to the ebook, simply fill out our short form. In addition to the ebook, you will also be given complimentary access to our recent webinar, which walks you through several of the exercises included in the ebook.

You can also review the blog series that inspired the ebook, and get started planning your marketing efforts today!

Part 1 - Start With Why
Part 2 - Finding Your eLearning Champions
Part 3 - Branding Your Initiative
Part 4 - Using Email to Market
Part 5 - Developing Signage
Part 6 - The Power of the Preview

Image Credit: Memphis CVB via Flickr