In the highly regulated and constantly evolving tax and accounting industry, continuing education is not only recommended, but required, in order to stay up-to date on the changing laws as well as to maintain your CPA certification. In a tumultuous period for regulation change—one that includes the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and the Bipartisan Budget Act, along with new technologies and investment opportunities like cryptocurrency—the need for top-notch education is greater than ever.   ... [more]

To create compelling elearning programs and meet the needs of a diverse workforce, you work with hundreds, if not thousands, of OpenSesame courses. Keeping them organized, sharing with the key stakeholders in your organization, and collecting feedback becomes increasingly important as your organization grows—and as you manage more courses.   Lists are a great way to organize and share elearning courses. ... [more]

To create compelling training programs and meet the needs of a diverse workforce, you work with hundreds, if not thousands, of OpenSesame elearning courses. Keeping them organized, sharing with the key stakeholders in your organization, and collecting feedback becomes increasingly important as your organization grows—and as you manage more courses. Lists are a great way to organize and share training courses. ... [more]

Sexual harassment affects more than just the employees involved—it affects your entire organization. Besides causing emotional duress and decreased performance, lawsuits resulting from sexual harassment are stressful and expensive. Sexual harassment prevention training can help build awareness as well as provide guidelines on what to do when encountering these situations. ... [more]
