Have you ever been assigned a major presentation at a moment’s notice? If you have, you’ve most likely experienced the usual feelings of stress and anxiety. This is normal, and everyone gets this feeling. It feels like you’ve got plenty on your plate, and a scary presentation won’t be making things better. Presenting in front of a large audience can be daunting, and making a presentation in the first place is equally frightening. However, instead of shying away from your fears, overcome them one at a time! Finding success in presenting requires a different path for each person, but there are general rules that all should follow. ... [more]

Everyone’s had nasty experiences with customer service. You’ve got an issue with a product and just as soon as you take the time to call for assistance, an unfriendly, unhelpful voice is talking at you. They’re being rude and obnoxious, and their actions could potentially cost them your business. ... [more]

Have you felt as though you’ve had trouble remembering what you read, but can recall almost anything you’ve heard? What about finding it difficult to remember what you hear but vividly remembering what you felt physically or wrote down? Almost everyone should have one of these experiences. Our bodies are all wired individually and learning in one way may be astronomically easier to one, and terribly difficult to another. There are three types of learners, and they all bring with them great strengths. ... [more]

You walk into a meeting only to be immediately received by a pack of angered faces. You look at the time, you’re a minute late. What’s the big deal? You ask yourself. It’s only sixty seconds. ... [more]

The excitement is virtually palpable when summer comes around. It’s a time to revel in the weather and rejoice. And every summer comes July, which mean it’s also Social Wellness Month. A perfect time to look into your social life outside of the office. ... [more]

Stress is a universal feeling. Whether you have a project due in the coming hours or  your assignments are piling up, stress sends a burst of cortisol and adrenaline throughout your body. Not only do your glucose levels rise, but your heart beats faster and your blood pressure increases. Everyone experiences stress with different intensity and frequency. The most common reaction to stress is called a fight-or-flight response. ... [more]
