No Pirates Here: OpenSesame’s Security Team

No Pirates Here: OpenSesame’s Security Team

OpenSesame is an elearning marketplace with two audiences: the buyers and sellers of elearning. The sellers in our marketplace are content developers and subject matter experts who work hard to create high quality elearning content. Sellers are valued partners for us, and we take our responsibility to safeguard your intellectual property extremely seriously.

I wanted to take a moment to explain what we do to ensure that you are compensated appropriately and your intellectual property is securely managed in the OpenSesame marketplace.

How Our Technology Works

The OpenSesame course delivery technology connects courses to any learning management system (LMS) while keeping your course files securely on our servers at all times. After making a purchase, customers download a license file and add it to their LMS through their normal course upload process. From the customer perspective, there is no difference between uploading an OpenSesame license file and uploading a traditional course.

Once uploaded to the LMS, the license file enables the buyer’s LMS to stream the course live from our servers. Our platform uses the license file to track the number of seats the buyer has purchased, delivering only that number of uses before notifying the buyer that it’s time to purchase more seats . Your course file remains securely on our server at all times, ensuring that we track each viewing and you are compensated appropriately.

OpenSesame uses the SCORM and AICC standards to connect courses from the OpenSesame marketplace to any LMS. We have also completed extensive field testing to ensure that our delivery system works with firewall-protected LMS environments.

In closing, we are committed to providing a simple way for elearning buyers to purchase and deploy courses instantly while connecting sellers with new ways to reach customers. We work hard to promote a transparent and easy-to-use marketplace to benefit all participants. If you’re an elearning seller, please join us. There is tremendous demand for high quality, engaging elearning courses.

If you have questions or suggestions, please submit them through the comments below or through our feedback system. We appreciate your input.

Photo Credit: lintmachine on Flickr