Integrating case studies into elearning courses keeps learners actively engaged with the content, offers memorable learning experiences, and introduces opportunities to apply learnings immediately in a safe, risk-free environment. ... [more]

As new technology saturates the world, old skills are forgotten or lost. We stopped learning the typewriter because we have the computer; we moved away from the telegraph and towards the telephone. But with the introduction of new technology, we often forget to practice and master traditional, basic skills. We are all too willing to jump on the new tech is better bandwagon, which isn’t a bad thing, but forgetting to practice our base skills is. ... [more]

Goal-setting is often the key to success and productivity but sometimes it’s hard to tell when goals are realistic and reachable, both for a company and individuals. Setting goals and objectives that are unrealistic, too vague, or for teams that are unable to work together is a waste of time and can actually hurt morale. Want to figure out how to set goals that are reachable and reasonable? Make them SMART. ... [more]

Job titles are important, and especially to the person wearing (or applying for) the title. And this is exactly why it's critical for hiring managers to consider the position's needs and the type of person they want to hire. There are two players in the job search: the job seekers and the companies recruiting. If you haven't clearly defined the type of person you want to find your post and apply, you probably won’t be able to reach them. ... [more]

Feedback is a response to someone’s behavior or work that can be formal or informal. It can come from an employee review or the need to address an issue. Positive feedback is always welcomed, but often times negative feedback is incredibly difficult for both the person who has to give it and the one who has to accept it. ... [more]

Whether we like it or not, stress is a part of our daily lives. From work and school to family and bills, everywhere we turn there seem to be stress-inducing subjects. Even things we love can cause us stress; for me personally, despite the fact that I love school and all my classes, the words “midterm” and “final” can cause me minor heart attacks. ... [more]

How much is having stressed out and sleep deprived managers and staff costing your business? Does investing in corporate wellness really make a difference? My guess is stressed out and sleep deprived staff are costing you A LOT financially, emotionally, and physically. Who really has the time to address these issues in your business? ... [more]

With Valentine's Day still in the air (and all of February being Relationship Wellness Month), it’s hard not to focus on the good, the bad, and the ugly of relationships. Let’s face it—good relationships take work to build and even more work to maintain, but the results can be quite rewarding. Though you may be tired of reading about “Top 10 Ways to Get Him/Her to Like You” or other sappy dating insights posts, relationships can be much broader than the romantic kind. In particular, developing positive relationships in your workspace is essential to cultivating a healthy office culture and uniting coworkers around a common mission. Here are five tips to keep your relationships (whatever type they may be) healthy and positive! ... [more]

We live in a world of limited resources, and the most limited of resources is time. Easily wasted and impossible to get back, time is the only resource required for every aspect of your life. February is Time Management Month, so we’re doing a lot of thinking about we manage our time! ... [more]

If you’re in a position of power, it’s likely the dreaded day will come where you have to fire someone. It is one of the most difficult leadership responsibilities, but it has to be done. The act of firing someone is hard enough, but how do you know when it's time? How do you know when Joe Schmoe has got to go? ... [more]
