Many of us have some trouble adapting to new technologies... perhaps more than we’d like to admit. Even certain ubiquitous office technologies aren’t used properly due to the ignorance of the user. For instance, how many of us - beyond just knowing what Excel is - know how to use the program to its full potential? ... [more]

Conditional formatting excel button

On this last day of Tech Week, I want to focus on an often overlooked, but vital, player of the tech world—the project manager. Project management is a demanding and thankless profession, requiring a higher than average amount of ball juggling and incurring high levels of stress in the process. And while project management is necessary in nearly every field and industry, the importance of project management, and by association the project manager (PM), is often belittled or unacknowledged. ... [more]

Project Manager Balancing Employees

You may be wondering what connection there is between a country and a corporation. To be frank, there is very little difference in managing a country's or a company's image. If you happen to follow any Olympic athletes on Twitter or read the news online, you're probably hearing horror stories of the inability to flush toilet paper, lights falling from the ceiling, unsafe water, and lost reservations at Russia's Olympic Village. This is certainly not the image Russia wants to portray. As a business, you want to avoid this kind of tarnished image at all costs. Social media and public relations can make or break you. ... [more]

Russian Flag

As a teenager, my first job was working at a Dairy Queen making ice cream cones, sundaes and shakes. On my first day, my manager showed me how to make the famous DQ swirl that sits on top of all DQ cones. First, he showed me how to make a cone, identifying all the minor movements that need to be made to create the perfect ice cream cone. He told me to keep practicing and practicing until I got it. And I did. Within a short while, I was able to create the signature swirl. Without giving it a name, my manager had me develop my skills to achieve the perfect DQ swirl by practicing and developing my skills on the job. ... [more]

Ice Cream Sundae

The field of Operations Excellence is in high demand by employers. When looking for jobs in the industry, a key skill to help your resume stand out is Lean Six Sigma training and certification. Lean Six Sigma is a set of strategies, techniques, and tools for process improvement and reducing manufacturing defects. Certification proves to employers that you have learned and can apply the tools and techniques of Lean and Six Sigma. Both you and your organization will benefit from higher productivity, efficiency, and quality in all aspects of business operations. ... [more]

Green Belt

This October, ABC World News reported on bullying in the workplace. The correspondent stated that a recent survey done by the Centers for Disease Control discovered that bullying affects approximately 12 million Americans. Bullying in the workplace is epidemic. Who are the victims? Would you be surprised to learn that a neurosurgeon was bullied daily? What are the consequences of bullying? ... [more]

Workplace Bullying

Today's guest post is from Robert Rosell, President of Quality Media Resources (QMR). While it may seem common sense not to lie on your resume, this practice is far more common than we think...even at the top levels of a company. This act my seem small, but can have embarrassing results. Mr. Rosell shares three basic questions leaders should ask themselves when debating on this activity, or other ethical issues. ... [more]

At the end of January, many of us drift away from our resolutions and fall back into our mundane routines. Was self-improvement involved in your resolution? If you’re like me, you’re wondering how you can get better at your job and become more influential in the new year. To become a more influential and effective information technology professional, start not by examining your technical chops, but instead evaluating your soft skills. Do you play well with others? Do you inspire dedication and creativity from your peers? Do you motivate your team for the highest levels of performance? ... [more]

Finding a job in this economy seems like a daunting task. Anyone who is unemployed will tell you how difficult it is to spend hours sending out resumes, only to be met with an enthusiastic or nonexistent response. Yet we all know someone who successfully found a job that they love. It is not because they are luckier than we are or because they went to a better school. They got their job because they understand what hiring managers look for. That’s right. ... [more]

It is important for businesses to be able to handle the queries, concerns, and requests of their customers. As the company grows, the need to train your customer support staff becomes even more urgent. Investing in customer service training courses allows your company to establish a competitive edge in the marketplace. It can ultimately decide in your favor once the customer decides to buy.   There are a variety of customer service training courses available in the market. The key thing is to choose the appropriate module for your organization. ... [more]
