This week we finished our summer internship reading of Linchpin by Seth Godin and covered the chapters “Making the Choice,” “The Culture of Connection,” “The Seven Abilities of the Linchpin,” and “When it Doesn’t Work.” We took issue with a lot of what Godin says, but agreed with a good amount as well. ... [more]

Linchpin Cover

And you thought elearning was boring. Jeff Havens, author of Unleash Your Inner Tyrant!, provides advice like “Lay The Smack Down,” “Rise Above the Peons,” “Proofreading is for Idiots,” and “Wrt ur emails lk ur txtng!”. His courses suggest you should grow a mohawk, come to work hungover, have your laptop out during meetings, and hit “Reply-All” for every e-mail. ... [more]

Using visuals to convey information can greatly increase the reception of your work. Readers who “see and do” retain four times as much information as those who just read. Additionally, color visuals increase readers’ willingness to read by 80%. Our post shares tips on navigating Creative Commons and copyright rules, as well as free sites for finding and modifying visuals. ... [more]

The shutdown of Google Reader is far from the end of RSS. In fact, it has become a catalyst for innovation in news aggregation and has driven attention towards the value of RSS in social reach and brand development. At OpenSesame, we’ve been looking at ways to make sure our blog is up-to-speed and ready to go. Here are some tips we discovered in the process. ... [more]

Historically associated with tinkerers and hardware hobbists, 3D printing is moving out of the realm of the maker and into the hands of business owners, startups and educators. We've got the guide describing how you can use 3D printing for your business and what you need to get started. ... [more]

It's Productivity Wednesday! Looking to boost your productivity? We've put together a list of Mac apps that assist in keeping you focused and on task such as toosl that block time-wasting websites, modify the color of the screen depending on the time of day, access files in just a couple key presses, and more. ... [more]

Thinking of furthering your company’s digital presence? Getting into the mobile application market is a great choice. Developing an application, however, can take months and requires significant capital, so your company may have to prioritize development for one market over another. Phones running on iOS, Apple’s operating system, and Google’s Android make up 95% of recent smartphone sales. Can’t decide which to start with? Here are three things to consider: ... [more]

Yesterday we shared a few ‘Do’s’ when it comes to beginning your social recruiting program. Today's post covers the ‘Don’ts’ and how to avoid these common pitfalls, such as overthinking your process and focusing on quantity over quality. ... [more]

With many recruiters describing an increase in candidate quantity and a decrease in time to hire, it’s no wonder social recruiting’s popularity has steadily increased over the past couple of years. Guided by the expertise of Chandlee Bryan, co-author of The Twitter Job Search Guide, here are some do’s for social recruiting and managing social media. We'll be sharing the Don'ts tomorrow, so be sure to check back in! ... [more]

Adobe products are at the forefront of design and marketing and, in this increasingly web-based world, it is important your company is consistently producing the highest quality, most eye-catching materials possible. Require a little more convincing? Read on. ... [more]