If you have ever been on the hunt for a frequently used symbol and have let a few symbols slip "@#$^, where is it again?!” …then you’ll love this SNEAKY AutoCorrect workaround for getting the right symbol you’re looking for, every time! ... [more]

eLearning is a solitary and lonely experience, right? That’s what I used to think, but I’m not so sure anymore. And this is coming from a real skeptic! I used to hold a wary eye to the whole “let’s make elearning more social through online communities” movement, assuming that there was no way it could really match the classroom experience or make up for real human interaction. ... [more]

Without a large budget, elearning is doomed to fail, right? That’s not necessarily true! Think of your favorite films. Go ahead, list them in your head and visualize them. I'm willing to bet that among your favorite films, there is at least one that was made with a small budget. ... [more]

eLearning is boring, right? Think again! As a self-proclaimed "master in Excel," I had my socks knocked off numerous times during an 18 hour elearning course on financial modeling. I know what you're thinking...financial modeling?! That seems like a tough course to learn online! Well, that's exactly what I was thinking too! ... [more]