Course of the Week Highlight: Go Green, Prevent Harassment, and More!

Organizational Champion

What makes a great leader? How do you identify and develop them in the workplace? This infographic attempts to answer these questions and outlines the different “kinds of smart” and how the different intelligences fit into your leadership team. This week’s featured courses are all perfect for your company leaders—teach them to prevent workplace harassment and deal with incidents should they occur, help your company go green and be sustainable, and train your leaders to be the best they can be!

Create a Sustainability Plan at Work

Get the framework and process you need to develop and implement an energy plan at work! The Sustainability Planning Bundle from Green Education Online helps you develop a plan for your company. You'll learn detailed guidelines to address, develop, then implement a sustainability plan. Courses in the bundle include: Planning Policies for Government and Business, Guiding Your Company's Energy Plan, and Introduction to Action Initiatives. Metrics and monitoring systems for a sustainability plan are outlined. Develop a green plan based on your company's needs, priorities, and resources! Get all four courses in this bundle for the everyday value of $25.

Stop Sexual Harassment in Your Workplace

Educate your employees about the behavioral side of sexual harassment through the Stop It Now! Sexual Harassment Prevention bundle of courses from ej4. Learn to identify inappropriate behavior, work with offenders and victims, and promote a culture of appropriate respect in your workplace. This is a course for employees of all levels and roles—help your whole staff understand harassment and how to prevent it. Courses in the bundle include: Office Instigators, Levels of Sexual Harassment, and Keeping Your Workplace Sexual Harassment Free. A great value at $9.99 every day!

Find Your Organizational Champion

SVI's The Organizational Champion bundle helps you find your leaders and get them trained to lead your company. Learn the techniques and strategies for driving progress and growth to give you the competitive edge you need in today's market. Through the ECChO model (Enlightened, Connected, Change Maker, and Opportunity Minded), your employees will develop and excel in each of the concepts taught. Every module is entertaining, delivering high-value concepts through real business stories with fun and engaging graphics that make the concepts memorable for you. Train your leaders for 80% off—$28.75 through April 15.

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