Why did people assume an Asian woman in the BBC news video was the nanny?   By now, most of the Internet seems to have seen the video of a BBC interview being interrupted by two small children. International Relations Professor Robert Kelly’s interview about South Korea was briefly interrupted when his two small children walked in. ... [more]

BBC News interview Robert Kelly and children via BBC News

What exactly is e-learning and who can take part? The dictionary definition of e-learning is ‘learning conducted via an electronic medium, typically on the internet.’ However, here at Learning Heroes we believe that e-learning is much more than that.  It’s a way to engage employees, support their development needs and to promote key change (be that in terms of organisational behaviour or cultural change).  For us it’s a way of presenting learning that is visual, bite-size, animated, injected with some humour (when appropriate) and full of character, be that through what you see on s ... [more]