Have you ever taken an online course where you speed through the material, take the quizzes and get it out of the way? We’ve all been there. Have you sat through a class lecture drifting off into your own world because of the teacher’s boring material and monotone voice? We’ve all been there, too. Finding a balance between in-person and online learning is an ongoing challenge to many businesses and universities. eLearning is a valuable tool that can change the way people learn whether it be for their education, career or soft skills. A key factor to elearning is the way it’s being taught. ... [more]

Microlearning is the wider approach to improving skills in an informal way. It’s often available on multiple devices such as mobile phones and tablets, allowing employees to learn on-the-go. Along with keeping the learner engaged, microlearning allows for wiggle room. The learner can decide what they want to learn, when they want to learn it, and how they will learn it.   These courses are short, focused nuggets that last between 3 to 5 minutes. They are designated to specific learning outcomes, rather than four or five objectives. ... [more]

You’ve invested in making a quality elearning course and you want learners to love it. Crafting the perfect descriptions and learning objectives will help you showcase your product to future learners. Don’t miss your chance to market it properly by lacking in writing skills. Create great first impressions to increase sales and usage of your course by following this detailed guide below.   DESCRIPTIONS Descriptions shouldn’t be boring and dry, but rather help build excitement for someone looking to take the course or purchase for their team. ... [more]

eLearning is an ever growing industry and various companies are beginning to take advantage of the accessible technology. Employee training is timely and there are thousands of requirements within each industry, making elearning an effective option for all. With over 13 million employees working in either retail or restaurants, customer service accounts for a vast majority of online learning. ... [more]

Whether your opinion on elearning is positive or negative, I’m here to squash the myths that you may have once heard. If you have yet to take an elearning course, stop and read these five myths before you listen to another one.   1. Online training is expensive, making it a burden to small companies. Any company, big or small, can easily purchase and access online learning. ... [more]