Do you get nervous before interviews (as the interviewer or interviewee?). You're not alone! Being prepared can make a huge difference. Whether you're mastering body language techniques, becoming an active listener, or brushing up on general interview skills, preparation is key! With this week's featured courses, you're sure to nail your next interview, no matter which side of the table you're on! ... [more]

May is Mental Health America’s 65th Mental Health Awareness Month; the theme for 2014 is “Mind Your Health.” I have my undergraduate degree in psychology, so this is a month and topic I’m passionate about and excited to explore further. Throughout the month, I’ll be covering a variety of mental health and general psychology topics! ... [more]

Head with Gears

So far in 2014, 46% of OpenSesame’s traffic has come from outside the US. What does this mean for us as a company? Both content providers and learning management companies are becoming increasingly global, and so are we! Currently, elearning is a $56.2 billion industry, on track to double by 2015. Forecasts predict the elearning industry to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (ACGR) of 25.81% over the period of 2013-2018. ... [more]


What makes a great leader? How do you identify and develop them in the workplace? This infographic attempts to answer these questions and outlines the different “kinds of smart” and how the different intelligences fit into your leadership team. This week’s featured courses are all perfect for your company leaders—teach them to prevent workplace harassment and deal with incidents should they occur, help your company go green and be sustainable, and train your leaders to be the best they can be! ... [more]

Organizational Champion

Happy Wednesday! Hope you’re having as nice a day as we are here in Portland (warm, no rain, sunny skies!). We’re excited to share this week’s featured courses with you—quite an interesting spread from a couple newer sellers and a long-time customer favorite. Whether you’re looking to move from selfies to more advanced photography or become a business analyst (or both!), this week’s courses have you covered! ... [more]

Diverse Group

We’re fast approaching the end of life for Windows XP. Are you prepared to switch operating systems? Back in February, we wrote about how to prepare for the end of support, and now we’re back just before the April 8th deadline with a video to help you make the move! ... [more]

Cutting Computer Cord

We’re officially into April, and things are getting greener by the day (at least here in Portland!). Start your month off right with big savings from business skills and compliance categories. This week’s deals cover leadership skills and and keeping your workplace drug and alcohol free. ... [more]


There is a widening skills gap in the workforce. “Industry brain drain" is a contributing factor, in which increasing numbers of mature workers leave the workforce, resulting in a loss of vast amounts of valuable knowledge and experience. Help these employees make their "comeback" to the workforce, while also helping your bottom line. ... [more]

Older worker with younger colleagues

In honor of the NCAA tournament and all those rooting for their favorite teams to make a comeback, we're bringing back our most popular Course of the Week deals for one week only. And, unlike your bracket, these deals ensure everyone’s a winner! ... [more]

Basketball Hoop

Our theme this week is “Comebacks.” Yesterday we covered coming back from the Exxon Valdez oil spill; today we’ll switch gears and look at a few big comebacks in the business world! If you’re like most highly successful people, you’ll have to experience a certain amount of failure before your big win. If you’re a young person just starting out, you may feel the obstacles to success are insurmountable. If you’re a seasoned business professional trying to save a drowning company, you may feel you’ll never make it. Have no fear! You may be at your lowest, but you’re not alone. There are many examples of great business comebacks; here are a few to inspire you to make your comeback! ... [more]

Ford Model T
