OpenSesame is pleased to announce the first annual Training Jam, a gaming hackathon created to foster innovation and explore new formats for employee development running April 22-24, 2016 in Portland, OR. ... [more]

In response to the anticipated flu season this year, OpenSesame (, a worldwide resource for business training courses and XeniumHR, in partnership with Kantola Productions, is pleased to offer a free online training course for flu prevention for the next 30 days. ... [more]

OpenSesame is announcing an expanded partnership with video-based learning company ej4 to add 700+ mobile-friendly and short format courses to the OpenSesame Plus program. ... [more]

OpenSesame, the world’s leading source of business training courses, announced today that it has added a new ebook program, OpenSesame Books, to its marketplace. ... [more]

I am super excited to be joining the OpenSesame team. I have a passion for channels and partnerships in general, and bring over 15 years experience building and managing partnerships in the Human Capital Management (HCM) industry. OpenSesame has such a great product with huge potential. When I’m not helping our partners leverage the value of OpenSesame's eLearning marketplace, I keep busy in the garden, enjoying music, and staying active with my family. ... [more]

Every year OpenSesame is lucky to host talented interns from colleges around the United States, and this year is no different. Help us welcome our 2015 Summer Interns! Jillian Briglia I was born and raised in Portland, OR and am excited to spend the summer there as a Marketing Intern for OpenSesame! I recently graduated from Lincoln High and plan to attend Whitman College in the fall. As an undecided freshman, I’m hoping to take a course that unexpectedly draws me in, but for now, I am curious about the Environmental Studies, Linguistics, and Business departments. ... [more]

Integrating case studies into elearning courses keeps learners actively engaged with the content, offers memorable learning experiences, and introduces opportunities to apply learnings immediately in a safe, risk-free environment. ... [more]

As new technology saturates the world, old skills are forgotten or lost. We stopped learning the typewriter because we have the computer; we moved away from the telegraph and towards the telephone. But with the introduction of new technology, we often forget to practice and master traditional, basic skills. We are all too willing to jump on the new tech is better bandwagon, which isn’t a bad thing, but forgetting to practice our base skills is. ... [more]

Generation Z—typically described as those born after 1995, who can’t remember life before the internet—are reaching maturity. The oldest of the generation are starting to enter their 20’s and the workforce. An enormous amount of research has been done on generational traits, and below we'll highlight five of those traits, as well as what they mean for the workplace. ... [more]

Generation Z

Help us welcome our new Marketing Team Lead, Tim Greve. ... [more]