You’re about to develop a brand new eLearning Course? That’s great! You’re opening new opportunities for learners from all around the world. Wait; not so fast! If you’re going to do this, you need to do it the right way. The course should not only provide the knowledge a learner wants to receive, but it also needs great appeal.   With the following tips, we’ll try to bring you closer to the anatomy of a modern eLearning course.      Include Videos and Audio Material Video and audio material can boost the appeal of your course. ... [more]

Just about anyone can create an e-Learning course on a soft skills topic. You gather up the right information and some relevant and clever animated images or pictures. You follow the established instructional design protocol of ADDIE (analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation) and then present your content to the learner and ta-da! you have a course.    There are probably a hundred thousand e-Learning courses produced this way that are available for your employees to enjoy. The problem is, and I am sure you already know this, they don’t. They hate them. ... [more]

Business person holding a mobile phone with WILL Interactive online learning courses featured

Technology that is difficult to use and hinders processes defeats the reason we use technology in the first place – that is to say, to increase efficiency, accuracy, etc. For L&D professionals, this type of pain is often felt when stuck using an outdated learning management system (LMS). You might very well understand the many benefits of upgrading your LMS; however, your executive team might not immediately see the full value of a investing in modern learning technology. ... [more]

Group of executives around a table examining a plan for a new learning technology project

Cyberattacks affected a record high number of enterprises in 2016. Even high profile companies with the top tier of security infrastructure were impacted by lapse in security vulnerabilities. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, staying updated on data and network security grows increasingly more challenging and consuming. ... [more]

One of the typical questions both new and experienced project managers have is whether they should take PMP or CAPM exams. These certifications are quite costly (up to $450 for some of them) and have takers answer many tough questions regarding project management. Professional exams are needed for everyone who wants to further their career and boost credentials. ... [more]

Business professional looking at PMP and CAPM courses that complete PDU

Mobile learning – and the rise of mobile dominance, in general – is a topic that most learning and development (L&D) professionals have heard of. In fact, mobile learning is now so critical to online corporate training success that it has become an eLearning best practice. However, the majority of organizations do not support mobile learning. ... [more]

Person holding mobile phone with OpenSesame courses on it

Creating killer course content is only half of the battle when it comes to designing an eLearning course. You also need to present your content in a way that addresses the key tenets of user experience: aesthetics, usability, accessibility, performance and levels of human interaction. Establishing a good user experience means your course is much more likely to yield positive student experiences and excellent business results for your clients. So how do you go about creating the best possible user experience for your eLearning course?     1. ... [more]

Two business professionals looking at OpenSesame courses and giving one another high fives in the office

You had a great idea. You worked tirelessly to choose an eLearning course that would help your team grow. You made sure to provide enough materials, test their skills, and create a feedback system that works. Now what? Your course is ready to face the competition. It won’t be easy. There are dozens of courses to choose from, regardless of the topic the learner has in mind. Why should your employees be interested in this particular course? Even if these are your employees and you can easily make the course mandatory, you don’t want to do that. ... [more]

Business professional looking at mobile elearning course

Approximately 69% of L&D professionals say that talent is the number one priority in their organizations. However, recent research by Deloitte Human Capital Trends shows that reinventing careers and learning was rated by executives as the #2 most important business issue. Josh Bersin, founder and Principal of Bersin by Deloitte, draws the following observation from this issue: “We are living longer, jobs are changing faster than ever, and automation is impinging on our work lives more every day. ... [more]

People at work looking at improved learner experience

Have you ever been told to complete a six-hour elearning course on compliance? Or taken time out of your already busy schedule to attend a week-long intensive training course? Or perhaps you’ve been given a textbook full of information that was overwhelming to digest? Training can easily become time-consuming and draining for learners, so much so that learning can be lost as soon as 24 hours afterwards. Research suggests trying to learn too much at one time is simply not working. Technology is advancing, attention spans are decreasing, and learning and development is struggling to keep up. ... [more]

Group of people looking at microlearning courses
