Here’s the fifth in a series of blog posts written to help you evaluate elearning courses by considering how well their visuals add to the effectiveness of the training. In this post, we’re going to demonstrate some ways that visuals can clarify complexity. ... [more]

There’s recently been a lot of interest in captioning online video content. With over 48 million Americans having some degree of hearing impairment, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has issued rules requiring more video to include captions. Many online education sites have taken note. In addition to staying one step ahead of the regulatory curve, these sites have realized that adding captions to video aids in the learning process. That’s why closed captions will make your content more easily accessible, understood, and remembered. ... [more]

Woman Working on Laptop

We’re back with the fourth in a series of blog posts written to help you evaluate elearning courses by considering how well their visuals add to the effectiveness of the training. The first in the series was about organizing elements within a visual to ease perception; the second was about directing the eyes of the viewer to key parts of the visual; and the third was about reducing realism and simplifying graphics. This time, we’ll focus on ways to make abstract ideas and concepts more concrete. ... [more]

Corporations, regardless of their size, have an ethical responsibility of citizenship and must consider this from a self-regulation standpoint within their own integrated business model. While the essential goal in the past business climate was to maximize profits, economic value will be judged differently to include newer variables in risk management brought forth by the acceptance of the realities of climate change. Risk Management policies are adding the concepts from the International Standards Organization (ISO). This is an organization that provides information, products, and services related to property and liability risk. ... [more]

Green Globe in Hand

This next step in course design, called storyboarding, is the process of visualizing what your elearning module is going to look like. It includes the visual elements, text, and audio. It identifies where interactions will be included. And it creates a roadmap of where the user will go in the module. The idea with storyboarding is to put your concept together visually and then start building it. Clearly, storyboarding is important. The last thing you want to do is start building a program and go back/forth during development. Storyboarding allows you to work out the flow and hopefully minimize errors. ... [more]

When we started offering online courses about 3 years ago, we had not even considered that our courses would be useful to employees wanting to fill embarrassing skills gaps. During appraisals, an employee can easily bring up the desire to attend a conference detailing the latest techniques or latest research. But how easy is it for a senior manager bring up the fact that they need a little help with their presentation skills? How will a newly promoted manager feel when they have to raise the fact that they feel they have lost control of their team and could do with some management training? While some of us would feel comfortable to raise the issue, many of us would recoil at the thought. ... [more]

Confident Man

Quality leadership training for your front-line employees should align to your talent strategy which in turn should align to the overall corporate strategy. You may have determined the needs of your employees through a formal ‘Learning Needs Analysis’ or by informal data gathering on the current and future skills required. Either way, selecting a training solution should have clear and defined expectations from YOU and also include the ‘what’s in it for me’ factor for YOUR employees. You and your employees are the “Y” in QLTY. ... [more]

Leadership Meeting

This is the third in a series of blog posts intended to help you evaluate elearning courses by considering the effectiveness of the visuals they include. The first in the series was about organizing elements within a visual to ease perception. The second was about directing the eyes of the viewer to key parts of the visual. This time, we’ll focus on something that may seem counter-intuitive: reducing realism. ... [more]

In a perfect world, people who know everything there is to know about a topic (also known as Subject Matter Experts) would also be absolutely wonderful at putting their ideas together so they could share their knowledge with beginners, and help everyone become as competent as they are. Unfortunately, this is seldom the case. In fact, Subject Matter Experts are often the worst people to train others on their specialty because they assume that everyone knows at least as much as they do and they struggle to frame information in a way that the uninitiated can understand. ... [more]

Person behind stack of binders

Since becoming UK Law in October 2010, the Equality Act has received a great deal of press with recognisable discrimination cases in professional and international football, sports media, healthcare, leisure and the police, to name but a few. ... [more]
