Without a large budget, elearning is doomed to fail, right? That’s not necessarily true! Think of your favorite films. Go ahead, list them in your head and visualize them. I'm willing to bet that among your favorite films, there is at least one that was made with a small budget. ... [more]

eLearning is boring, right? Think again! As a self-proclaimed "master in Excel," I had my socks knocked off numerous times during an 18 hour elearning course on financial modeling. I know what you're thinking...financial modeling?! That seems like a tough course to learn online! Well, that's exactly what I was thinking too! ... [more]

We all have greatness within ourselves as people, and our challenge and mission must be to also live out our greatness in our roles as Business Analysts. So what makes a Business Analyst GREAT? ... [more]

Business Analyst

Shakespeare suggests in Act 1 of Hamlet through his character Polonius, who says to his son Laertes that the man should ‘trust in himself’ and ‘take care of himself first in order to be in a position to take care of others.’ I think this great advice is just as applicable today and especially as it relates to your personal brand. ... [more]

Does your brand stand out?

Remember the movie Braveheart? You know, the one with Mel Gibson? And all the robotic voices? And the standardized background screens? And the data-driven dialogue? And the clip art images? And the…what’s that? Oh, yeah. You’re right. That’s not Braveheart. That’s all-too-typical elearning. Let’s face it: no one ever walked out of a movie and said, “Man, I wish that were more like an elearning course.” ... [more]

What is the secret ingredient to being a great manager? I propose that it is a sound approach to coaching. Coaching underpins good team communication and collaboration. Coaching activates employee engagement and drives career management success for both the employee and organization. ... [more]

IT jobs may be plentiful right now, but they aren’t all equal. The good news is that the annual list of 200 IT jobs, ranked from best to worst, has the information you need. The jobs are scored based on their income, stress, physical demands, emotional environment and growth potential; and you might be surprised by the results. As you consider your options in finding the right job, you can use this information to weigh one career path against another, or to simply rule out some of the less desired positions and save yourself the time wasted in pursuit of something less than worthwhile. ... [more]

IT Employee

If you are aware of what Business Continuity Planning is all about, then you might also have heard that it is just another expensive insurance plan you need to keep paying for until the real need arises and doesn’t come with any return on investment. Have you? In fact, this is what most business leaders conclude Business Continuity Planning, or BCP, is. ... [more]

Business Continuity Planning

Here’s the sixth in a series of blog posts written to help you evaluate elearning courses by considering how well their visuals add to the effectiveness of the training. It’s also the final installment in this series. In this post, we’ll discuss some techniques for creating visuals that add a “charge” to your training, grab attention, and make the material easier to remember later. ... [more]

In my experience Gen Y are not afraid to step up and take on responsibility. They possess a ‘can do attitude’ and are great team players. 28% of managerial positions in the United States are already held by Gen Ys, those born between 1980s – 2000, also known as Millennials. Common characteristics of Gen Ys are that they are confident, motivated, and looking for balanced lifestyles. ... [more]

Gen Y Leader
