The extraordinary expansion of technology in the last decade has fundamentally changed the way individuals, businesses and governments define privacy rights - and most of us are struggling to keep up. ... [more]

While full of possibilities, a library can be overwhelming. Where to start? What books will help me learn what I really need? In many ways, finding the right eLearning course for your business can be just as daunting. OpenSesame is here to help by providing several browsing and search options to find the best fit for your team. ... [more]

Acquisitions can be an exciting time for employees, but also wrought with questions and anxiety. How will the company change? How will my job change? Will I still have a job? Unaddressed, these questions can lead to low morale, hostile relationships between staff and reduced productivity. Our 4 tips will help you and your employees navigate the change and encourage positive collaboration beween the merged companies. ... [more]

iTunes pay-per-song model disrupted not only the music industry, but the entertainment industry as a whole. As cable television begins to feel the effects of a market favoring pay-per-use models, we at OpenSesame think the elearning sector is ready for some disruption as well. ... [more]

With the first day of summer quickly approaching, we all know what comes next - the descent of the interns! Create a memorable first day for any new hire with our tips for easing anxiety through advanced planning and injecting fun into the mundane. Not only will interns walk away excited about their next day, but you'll have a great story to set your business apart when recruiting new hires. ... [more]

Training employees in disaster preparedness not only can prevent injury in the workplace, but also encourage planning in the home and in the local community. There are lots of great resources for individuals and business to create an emergency preparedness plan, as well as train employees on basic procedures. Check out these helpful tips on getting started with your emergency planning. ... [more]

As a recent Portland transplant, I'm thrilled to be joining a company so well respected in the startup community. I originally heard about OpenSesame through an article on the Oregon Tech Awards, for which OpenSesame was nominated for Technology Company of the Year - Startup. Having facilitated Startup Weekend events all over the U.S. for the past two years, I was looking for the right opportunity to "practice what I preach" and go to work for a growing startup. As it turned out, OpenSesame was hiring and the Marketing Coordinator position proved the ideal role for my background. ... [more]

photo by hannah minkner
