This past week I had the privilege of attending my first ASTD (American Society for Training & Development) conference in Washington D.C. It was fantastic connecting with colleagues, partners and clients in our nation’s capital, as well as getting a chance to learn more about current trends and developments within the industry. One of the biggest announcements to come out of the conference, however, was not a new product or service. Instead, the big news came from the organization itself. ... [more]

When it comes to corporate elearning, we all hope “if we build it, they will come.” And while initial excitement may result in high usage, building long-term interest in your elearning initiative requires regular communication regarding the program’s benefits and content. The next several posts of the “Marketing Your eLearning Initiative” series will focus on specific tactics you can use in your company to continue to advertise your program after it has launched—beginning with email. ... [more]


Only a few weeks out from the Heartbleed Bug, another major web security vulnerability has been unearthed. This time, a browser itself is the problem. The U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team and its UK counterpart are advising Internet Explorer users to consider an alternative browser until a major flaw is repaired. How can you protect yourself and your company against these and other security issues? Our featured courses this week can help! ... [more]

Just as we all began with basic addition and worked our way up to algebra and geometry in school, our professional skills must be built up over time. A training course here or there over the span of a year can help employees with short-term needs, but does not allow the build-up of knowledge critical for more complex skills and professional growth. To encourage long-term change, it is necessary to collect courses from all levels of competency and have an employee work their way through the series. ... [more]

Train track cover

As the sun begins to peak out and temperatures return to a comfortable level, many of us are getting the itch to organize and refresh our homes. Spring cleaning season is upon us, and it can be just as beneficial to your professional life as your personal one. As we head into the second quarter, now is a great time to reevaluate goals set earlier this year, as well as refresh skills that may starting to become stale after end-of-year trainings. To help you start your professional spring cleaning, check out this week’s featured courses and deals which include planning for employee appraisals, brushing up on typing skills and more! ... [more]

A brand is a personality—it gives objects or ideas a tangible presence. Brand personality is why Apple customers wait for hours in line for the latest product or Starbucks patrons pay more for a cup of coffee. They either identify with or have a desire to be associated with the characteristics of that particular brand. If your company wants to encourage elearning usage, it is important to craft a strong brand identity employees want to be associated with. ... [more]

The MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) phenomenon that has been shaking up higher education for the past few years is slowly beginning to find its way into corporate conversations. Many companies are seeking to better understand the MOOC model and the possibilities for application in their own training programs. It is no surprise then that the Masie Center, a leading think tank exploring the intersection of learning and technology, decided to host a conference around such possibilities—bringing together 70 participants (including myself) at the recent MOOC Symposium in Saratoga Springs, New York. The 3-day event was packed with fantastic discussion and some great takeaways, some of which I will try to summarize for you. ... [more]

MOOC definition

Increasing engagement in your elearning program takes more than an email every now and then. Just as a consumer must have 5-7 touch points with a brand to consider purchasing, your employees need frequent reminders on the value of online training. Earlier this month, I shared how establishing a set of objectives for your elearning program will help employees understand the benefits and impact of training on their jobs. In this second post from our ongoing series on how to market your elearning initiative, I will discuss the importance of champions, as well as ways to involve them in your internal marketing. ... [more]

Holding Stanley Cup

Today marks 25 years since the Exxon Valdez struck Bligh Reef near Prince William Sound in Alaska. On March 24, 1989, the crippled oil tanker released nearly 11 million gallons of crude oil into the Sound, contaminating more than 1,300 miles of shoreline and severely damaging local wildlife. Prior to the Deepwater Horizon, the Exxon Valdez had been the largest oil spill in U.S history. The environmental and economic impact of the Valdez spill was a hard lesson, but one that has resulted in a number of changes over the past two-and-a-half decades around spill preparedness, tanker safety, and community involvement. ... [more]

Exxon Valdez

Spring is just around the corner (yipee!), which means many of us are starting to get the urge to organize. Our Course of the Week deals for this week will not only help you organize, but keep you in tip-top shape for your upcoming weekend excursions. Save 40-80% off this week on business skills, compliance & safety, and software! ... [more]

Bad chair posture
