The information revolution of the past decade has not only transformed our economy, but how we work, communicate and relate to each other. Companies are being forced to evolve quickly to adapt to these changes, shifting business practices to accommodate the increased demand for access to real time information. Unfortunately, rushed implementation or pressure to keep up with technology can leave some learners behind and feeling disenfranchised. To help businesses meet these new demands, the ASTD-Cascadia chapter has themed this year’s annual conference “Join the Revolution: Change the Face of Learning!” The conference will seek to answer how learning professionals can better meet the needs of our remote workers, as well as how to deliver content and build skills across multiple modalities. ... [more]

Minimalism as a movement has taken off in recent years, challenging individuals to break out of the consumerist cycle and strive to own fewer material things. Some interpretations of minimalism take this to the extreme, such as the 100 Thing Challenge or “How To Fit Everything Into a 42 Litre Backpack.” This move towards material minimalism has also begun to take root in business culture as well, with more and more folks following what is often referred to as “work minimalism” or “essentialism.” ... [more]

Over the last several months, I have shared my findings through a six-part blog series on how to market your elearning programs internally. Whether you’re six months out from launching your program or six months into its release, these tips and tricks can be helpful in increasing engagement and communicating the value of your program. Of course, the trouble with a blog series is many more examples and exercises have come to my attention that should be included. So, instead of making you wait each month for the latest post in the series, we’ve decided to compile all this helpful information into one place. ... [more]

Twitter is a powerful tool for connecting people, keeping up-to-date with professional conversations, and expanding your perspective on the world. ... [more]

Summertime marks many the start of many wonderful things—graduation, vacation, relaxation...and blockbuster movie season! Between May and August, more than 500 million people will flock to their local movie theater to see the latest in action, comedy and drama—each experience different and yet, they all will begin with the same message: More intense and elaborate than commercials, movie trailers are a thing of beauty. They convey the most important parts of the movie’s storyline, yet still leave you wanting more. In just a few short minutes, a viewer can feel fear, elation or heartbreak. ... [more]

You don’t have to be well-traveled to recognize the world contains many cultures and each culture has its own set of values and social norms. For example, I remember learning as a child that bearing the bottoms of your feet in certain cultures is considered offensive, while in others it is commonplace to burp after a meal to compliment the cook. The increasingly globalized economy is exposing those cultural differences in many different ways—one being the variation in safety standards from country to country. ... [more]

My previous post in the “Marketing Your eLearning Initiative” series addressed ideas on how to use email as a method for advertising the launch of your program, new courses and positive experiences using the training. While digital communication is a great way to provide regular updates regarding your elearning program, signage can promote your overall training initiative and reinforce benefits of the program. Additionally, diversifying your communication methods, and where the communication occurs, increases the likelihood of the messaging being retained. ... [more]

On Tuesday June 3 at 10:00am PDT, we'll be providing you an exclusive look at the features and benefits of OpenSesame Plus in a 45-minute introductory webinar. OpenSesame's latest pricing solution, OpenSesame Plus, offers unlimited access to 2,500+ courses for one low price. The simple and affordable subscription model provides the training you need, when you need it, without having to worry about the cost per course. The catalog features more than 50 categories—from business skills and compliance, to software and technology—making OpenSesame Plus ideal for companies of any size with diverse training needs. ... [more]

Young adults are in a bit of a catch-22 these days. The majority of companies require a college degree in order to be considered for a position, but the education students receive during college often does not match the skills and experience required in those roles. Essentially, society demands young adults go to college, but then is not preparing them for what comes after. ... [more]

At the beginning of each month, like clockwork, news organizations will run a story highlighting the latest “jobs numbers.” Typically this brief 10-30 second sound bite will announce the number of jobs created and any change in the unemployment rate—and that’s about it. Perhaps we will hear a more in depth report when there is a major shift or the announcement of a new initiative, but the majority of time reports on economic recovery are boiled down to these two numbers. ... [more]

Youth Unemployment
