We are experiencing an employee engagement crisis: only 13 percent of employees globally are engaged at work, while the rest are either neutral or, worse, actively disengaged. ... [more]

Now is more critical than ever to view your cybersecurity investment similar to how you would justify insurance. The premiums paid – cybersecurity investments – reduce the expenses to a fraction of what they would be without coverage. Businesses that invest in cybersecurity to protect their business end up profitable, while those that don’t are left vulnerable to exorbitant costs. Which side of that equation do you want to be on? ... [more]

Just about anyone can create an e-Learning course on a soft skills topic. You gather up the right information and some relevant and clever animated images or pictures. You follow the established instructional design protocol of ADDIE (analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation) and then present your content to the learner and ta-da! you have a course.    There are probably a hundred thousand e-Learning courses produced this way that are available for your employees to enjoy. The problem is, and I am sure you already know this, they don’t. They hate them. ... [more]

Business person holding a mobile phone with WILL Interactive online learning courses featured

How many Learning Management Systems (LMS) are used at your organization? As company size grows, learning is increasingly planned at the department level and the number of LMS increases--some companies use up to 30 LMS! Two-thirds of industry leaders admit that decentralized learning strategies hurt employee development, tenure and engagement. ... [more]

Group of diverse business professionals looking at a Mac monitor

Every week, 25 million Americans work more than the standard 40-hour work week. With how busy working professionals are during the standard nine-to-five, you probably find yourself cramming in tasks in any free time you can find during your week. If you’re one of the 9.6 million currently furthering your education, then non-working hours are likely dedicated to schoolwork, studying and exams. This is why more working professionals prefer mobile elearning as their learning method of choice. ... [more]

Person looking at mobile OpenSesame elearning courses while sitting at a desk with a laptop computer and cup of coffee on the left

Fluency in Microsoft Excel is one of the most valuable soft-skills in any professional’s life. Excel’s broad applicability and user-friendly interface make it so it can be utilized by the masses for a vast number of tasks, from simple data entry to complex data analysis and querying. No matter where you fall or plan to fall on Excel’s utilization spectrum, it is of cardinal importance that you have proper guidance in order to witness how you can use Excel to leverage your professional toolkit. ... [more]

Business professional at desk with two monitors that display Microsoft excel spreadsheets, graphs, and tables

One of the reasons that companies choose OpenSesame remains the flexible options you have to purchase from us.  One of our most popular and affordable offerings, OpenSesame Pay Per Use provides you the flexibility to pay only for the courses you actually use. ... [more]

OpenSesame PPU Dashboard on laptop screen

In a recent OpenSesame webinar, Cushing Anderson, IDC’s IT Education and Certification Research Program Vice President, shared his research of the characteristics and practices of 250 organizations and their use of elearning. Anderson outlines that having the right amount of courses and implementing an elearning program is not a guarantee of success. ... [more]

Image of woman in office with tablet

Why did people assume an Asian woman in the BBC news video was the nanny?   By now, most of the Internet seems to have seen the video of a BBC interview being interrupted by two small children. International Relations Professor Robert Kelly’s interview about South Korea was briefly interrupted when his two small children walked in. ... [more]

BBC News interview Robert Kelly and children via BBC News

  You may have noticed some changes to your OpenSesame Activity Report. We’ve made enhancements to optimize the speed of pulling these often lengthy reports, especially those containing multiple years worth of data. To access the new and improved report, log in to your OpenSesame Dashboard. Click on “My Courses” will take you to your dashboard. On the left hand side of the page you will see your Activity Report tab. ... [more]

OpenSesame Activity Report on laptop
