OpenSesame and Gyrus Come Together To Streamline Training and Compliance

OpenSesame and Gyrus Come Together To Streamline Training and Compliance

12 October 2022

In partnership, these two companies open up faster and more effective training

Gyrus, an award-winning LMS platform, has joined forces with OpenSesame to form a new learning technology integration that goes beyond SCORM/AICC.

Learning and development programs are often plagued with inefficient processes, including manually curating and distributing courses. These tedious processes give rise to liabilities that effect learning and performance, risking burnout of your L&D team and disengagement of learners. 

With their new integration, OpenSesame and Gyrus get rid of the manual work, driving better performance through easier course setup and activity reporting. The integration ensures that training materials are kept up to date and learners are able to access and engage with them in a way that’s immediate and easy.

Gyrus offers fully scalable cloud solutions for companies of any size and provide a variety of different formats of learning from online, webinars, instructor-led, and more. Gyrus’ LMS makes it possible for organizations to choose from a wide range of learning materials, and choose how they want people to learn.

Gyrus Systems and OpenSesame have worked in close partnership for many years together. We’re thrilled that their content and our training platform are now closer than ever with this beautiful and seamless integration, allowing learners to access training more easily than ever before.

Viren Kapadia, President and CEO

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