Recession Proofing

Protect Your L&D Program When Budgets are Tight

Use this practical workbook to recession proof your organization’s learning program. Inside you’ll find checklists, activities, expert tips, and more.

In moments like these, is your L&D department ready for the changes ahead?

Concerns over economic uncertainty aren’t going away any time soon, and many companies have responded cautiously. Our workbook is intended to help you prepare, whether that’s making the case for preserving your budget, finding areas where you could save money without compromising quality, or prioritizing the activities that will make the biggest difference for your learners.

1. Resource: 5 myths and realities of L&D ROI

Having a logical, thought-out response to these common myths will help you defend your L&D budget when needed. Our workbook provides suggestions on how to advocate for continued investment in your program.

2. Checklists: Save money where you can

If you do need to work with a smaller budget, the quality of your program doesn’t have to suffer. Two effective ways to do more with less: Automate routine tasks, and choose virtual events over in-person ones. Our workbook will allow you to see the checklists associated with these strategies.

3. Activity: Assess your training challenges

What challenges will employees at your organization face in an economic slowdown? Our workbook will help you to identify what will become harder for your colleagues during a recession, and the kind of help you can offer to enable their success.

Here are some additional resources to help you
remain competitive despite economic uncertainty:

5 Strategies to Ensure Company Culture is Recession-Proof

Support employee retention and foster a culture of learning.


How OpenSesame is Recession-Proofing Our L&D Program

Adjust your L&D approach to prepare for economic uncertainty.


Ensure Your L&D Program is Recession-Proof

Take the steps to prepare for economic uncertainty.


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