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effective communication training

5 Kinds of Customer Service Training

  Whether you are running a retail store, a financial institution, or a service agency, it is important for your company to provide excellent customer service. It can make or break your business. Investing in customer service training is the first step towards satisfying your customers’ requirements. Before you hire a training company though, it… Read more »

corporate training where you least expect it

Imagine Corporate Training on Rocket Thrusters

Corporate training need not be boring. In fact, it can be an exciting adventure. All it takes is the right attitude and the right opportunity. Attitude The most valuable attitude to have is one which expects to find value in everything encountered. Imagine, for instance, a boringly simple traffic signal. Green, yellow, red, green, yellow,… Read more »

New Trends in Sales Training

New Trends in Sales Training

One of the most commonly asked questions sales trainers get is, “What are the hottest trends in sales training?” It’s a good question, especially in this fast-paced world where salespeople are racing to be credible, efficient and knowledgeable. Sales training is a great way to improve your skills and stay ahead of the curve. Rather… Read more »

compliance training is essential

Compliance Training: A Vital Part of the Modern Workplace

More than ever, a company must protect itself against litigation. With the economy becoming more volatile and competition ever-fiercer, no company can afford to let profits shrink because of mistakes in judgment or actions taken out of compliance with existing law. This speaks to the most obvious benefit of compliance training—protecting the financial health of… Read more »

A Closer Look at Communication Training

A Closer Look at Communication Training

We all know that being effective at communicating with other people is a skill that not too many people have. However, did you know that being able to communicate effectively isn’t something you’re born with, but rather something that you can develop and hone on a day-to-day basis? Having effective communication skills greatly enhances your… Read more »

Online courses

The Benefits of Online Training Courses for your Learning

Regardless of whether you’re in charge of a small business or organization looking to increase your employees’ skills and knowledge, or an average, everyday employee looking to undergo training in order to increase your chances of landing a better job, signing up for online training courses is a great way for you to gain knowledge… Read more »

8 Tips to Keep Your Business Fire Safe

Nearly four thousand people have died each year from fires. Most of these were residential fires, but the danger still remains for fires in the workplace. Besides the death toll, fires also destroy property and sometimes critical business infrastructure—data, equipment, furnishings and more. These tips will help ensure your workplace remains fire safe. 1. Don’t… Read more »

computer security training

Are You an Online Security Training Idiot?

  Don’t feel insulted. This is vitally important. Cyber security isn’t just for the IT Department. And if you don’t know a computer port from an IP address, that can be remedied with some online security training. Thieves are lurking out there in cyber space. Who needs to know about them? Ideally, every employee on… Read more »

Coping with sexual harassment at work

How to Deal with 
Sexual Harassment at Work

Sexual harassment is bad for business. Not only can it become a major distraction from work, it can also prove very costly for the business if not handled quickly, thoroughly and appropriately. There should already be sexual harassment policies and procedures in place. Corporate training should also be in place so that all personnel have… Read more »

Creative and Cost-effective Ways to Approach Corporate Training

For companies that have reached levels of significant expansion and growth, corporate training may be a necessity that can prove beneficial to your productivity. Corporate training is essentially a term which covers the vast variety of training methods and techniques used to enhance the productivity and synergy of an organization. Corporate training, as the name… Read more »

Hard Times Getting to You? Stress Training Is the Answer

Hard Times Getting to You? Stress Training Is the Answer

In today’s fast-paced and competitive world, it’s harder than ever to manage your stress levels. With pressure from an uncertain economic climate and growing demands at work, just getting a few minutes of “you time” can be next to be impossible. Compound that with the fear of possibly being laid off from work and not… Read more »

cyber security training

The Shocking Truth about Cyber Security

You had better believe that there is someone out there dreaming of finding the chink in your cyber armor. A quick look at the FBI Cyber Crime page should give you an idea of some of the kinds of threats available. Cyber crimes are likely to continue on the rise as hot shot hackers think of… Read more »

cyber security training

What Can You Expect from Effective Communication Training?

  Imagine how effective your organization can become if your staff got a communication course. A variety of hassles and misunderstandings could be avoided if people simply knew how to interact with each other. How different and how much more profitable can your company become if communication problems just went away? Taking advantage of effective… Read more »

Arc Flash Training

What Every Employee Should Know about Arc Flash

NFPA 70E—the standard for electrical safety in the workplace, is there to save lives and property. No doubt about it—arc flash is dangerous and potentially deadly. Every workday in the United States, one person dies from electrocution, shock, arc blast or arc flash. Some 8,000 employees every year find themselves being treated in emergency rooms… Read more »