Group of business professionals reviewing AB 1825 Sexual Harassment updates

Updates to California Sexual Harassment Training: AB 1825, AB 2053, FEHA

If you operate a business in the state of California with over 50 employees, you may be fairly familiar with AB 1825 which requires companies to provide at least two hours of sexual harassment training to supervisors. However, in the past two years these policies have been expanded. Have you been keeping up with the most recent training updates?

Updates to California Sexual Harassment Training

Currently, AB 1825 alone will not satisfy compliance requirements. As of 2015, California also requires that companies comply with AB 2053 which includes training on abusive conduct. In addition, in April 2016, the Fair Employment and Housing Act was updated to include policies, protections, and employer actions that focus on the prevention of harassment, discrimination, and retaliation. This means that companies must take training that at least covers all three: AB 1825, AB 2053, and updates to FEHA.

  • AB 2053* – This amendment requires sexual harassment training to include education on how to prevent harassment, remedies available victims, components of an anti-harassment policy, and practical examples for instructing supervisors. 

*For more information on AB 2053 visit the California Legislative Information

  • FEHA* – In 2016 new regulations were added to FEHA that include the requirement of additional written policies. Notable changes include the action around the topics of:

    • Written policy requirements

    • Definitions regarding sex and gender

    • Sex discrimination

    • Reasonable accommodations

    • Human trafficking

    • Unpaid interns and volunteers

    • Pregnancy

    • Religious discrimination

    • Support animals

    • National origin discrimination

    • Anti-bullying training

*For more information on FEHA visit the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing

How to Stay Compliant

If you’re a business in California, you not only have to comply with AB 1825, but AB 2053 and FEHA’s new updates as well. Luckily many organizations are providing online sexual harassment training for businesses. See OpenSesame’s top five sexual harassment courses below that cover the new requirements: