OpenSesame blog

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March 2023 OpenSesame Plus Publishers

We are pleased to introduce our newest OpenSesame Plus publishers joining our elearning marketplace: American Medical Compliance (AMC), lawpilots, Sponge Learning, ORO, and The Access Group!

Music to My Ears

September 15th through October 15th is Hispanic Heritage Month. Join us as we celebrate and share stories from our colleagues in the Juntos Employee Resource Group. Read Product Support Specialist, Raul Ruiz’s, story about how music connects him to his heritage both at home and at work.

Picker Pride: How My Hometown Helps Celebrate My History

September 15th through October 15th is Hispanic Heritage Month. Join us as we celebrate and share stories from our colleagues in the Juntos Employee Resource Group. Today, hear from Megan Ysassi, Curation Specialist, her story of pride and embracing her family’s past to enrich her present. 

September 2022 OpenSesame Plus Publishers

OpenSesame is excited to announce two new additions to our learning platform. Joining us is Assemble You, who is carrying the flag for audio, an underrepresented modality in learning. OpenSesame is also excited to bring you new courses by Dr. Roger Firestien who has taught more people to lead the creative process than anyone else in the world.