OpenSesame blog

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What I've Learned About Online Learning

Today is my last day at OpenSesame, so I’m busy wrapping up projects, cleaning out my email, and of course reflecting. I came to OpenSesame with experience in writing, communications, program management and community-building – but with very little experience with elearning. Over the last two and a half years, I’ve learned a lot about… Read more »

Ten Tips for Instructional Designers

As a marketplace for online training courses, we’ve quickly learned what our customers are looking for in elearning courses – and what keeps buyers coming back for more. In a web presentation during yesterday’s Elearning Guild Online Forum, I shared some of the instructional design best practices that we’ve learned from talking with customers. Here’s… Read more »

How to Use Google+ Hangout for Workplace Collaboration

We all hear the buzz around using social media tools for learning and collaboration in the workplace – but what we really need is practical tips for implementing those technologies every day. At OpenSesame, we use a number of social technologies to enable communication and collaboration. Social media is particularly essential for us because more… Read more »

LMS vs LCMS vs CMS…changing one letter makes a big difference.

What are the differences between LMS, LCMS, and CMS? This question often elicits confusion among those shopping for the right software tools for their organization. Not to worry—we know the difference and we are going to share our knowledge. First, let’s define our abbreviations. “LMS” is an acronym for “Learning Management System”, a software platform… Read more »

Plan and Initiate a Smart Workforce

Talent isn’t just a challenge to solve today – part of every human resources team’s role is ensuring that your organization has a vision for where the organization is going and where the talent will come from to support your organization’s growth.    To face this challenge head-on, companies must not only understand what their… Read more »

5 Ways to Start Using Social Media for Training

Social media is now in every professional’s vernacular and if it’s not, it should be. In its most basic form, social media allows us to communicate. Whether you are researching new marketing projects, communicating with colleagues or learning from a global network of peers, social media allows your voice to be heard instantly and effectively.… Read more »

Customer Satisfaction Determines Reimbursement in Health Care

Customer satisfaction is essential in any industry. Whether you are providing a product or service, your reputation is determined by the people on the receiving end. With a shift in the healthcare industry, customer reports are now shaping and adjusting reimbursements. In 2012, Medicare implemented a revised scale for reimbursements based on customer satisfaction reports.… Read more »

How to Sell Your Courses on OpenSesame

OpenSesame is the world’s marketplace for buying and selling elearning courses. It’s our goal to make it easy for any seller to add their courses to the marketplace and earn additional revenue. This guide will walk you through the steps to get started selling your courses with OpenSesame. You can also check out this video… Read more »

Top 5 Courses to Prevent the Next Super Bowl Emergency

Last night during the Super Bowl, as the power outage reached the 20 minute mark, I could only wince thinking of the panicked stadium operations team hustling to get the lights back on. What worse time to experience a failure than when you’ve got thousands of people trapped in Superdome and another hundred million watching… Read more »

Introducing Beginning Facebook for Business

OpenSesame is excited to announce the release of Beginning Facebook for Business. As part of our mission to provide individuals and organizations with a broad variety of elearning courses, OpenSesame wants to share our passion for social media with you. We are pleased to offer this complimentary course to assist in your social media development. Beginning… Read more »

The Top 3 Must Have Soft Skills for IT Professionals

At the end of January, many of us drift away from our resolutions and fall back into our mundane routines. Was self-improvement involved in your resolution? If you’re like me, you’re wondering how you can get better at your job and become more influential in the new year. To become a more influential and effective… Read more »

free flu prevention elearning course

OpenSesame Releases Flu Prevention Online Training Course

In response to the unprecedented flu epidemic this year, OpenSesame is proud to offer a free online training course for flu prevention. The Centers for Disease Control reports the flu has reached epidemic levels in the United States this year, affecting communities in all 50 states. As a result, we teamed up with our partners at… Read more »

Two people standing on tall peaks reaching out to each other across the chasm

6 Surprisingly Common eLearning Myths

eLearning is still a young field. For every tip, how-to and best practice, there are myths that pervade every discussion of developing, designing and implementing online training. Here are some of the most common myths we hear. Myth #1: Only specialists can make good online training. Wrong! While the input of subject matter experts is… Read more »

Train running through a train yard at high dusk

Transforming Your Learning Center into a Strategic Enabler

If the struggles describes in Part 1 of this webinar review sounded all-too-familiar, not to worry. HCM Advisory has plenty of ideas that will help you shift your department from Cost Center to Strategic Enabler. Align Learning Strategy to Business Strategy You’ll want to make sure everybody is on the same page. HCM found that… Read more »

Frequently asked questions on OpenSesame

Frequently Asked Questions on OpenSesame

Are you a buyer or seller with questions? Not sure where to turn?  While we are always available to help by contacting, on Live Chat during regular business hours-or by calling 503-808-1268, we understand that sometimes you need a quick and easy answer. Which is why we compiled a list of some of our most… Read more »

2013 Learning Resolutions Wrap Up

We never could have anticipated the insightful, game-changing answers we received from our network of industry leaders when we asked what they resolved to change or improve about their work in 2013. There was an emphasis on focus and slowing things down, as well as a resolve to disrupt. We hope this amazing collection of… Read more »

Glasses and a cup of coffee resting next to a newspaper on a white table

Is Your Learning Center a Rainmaker or a Money Pit?

Have you been struggling to think of ways to communicate the value of your corporate learning program to senior management? “Transforming Learning into a Strategic Business Enabler”, a webinar hosted recently by HCM Advisory group, is full of advice on how to do just that. The discussion was about how learning centers can better align… Read more »

Learning Resolutions: Be More Selfish

I admit that resolutions are a rarity for me. Like many people, I have watched quietly from the sidelines and watched New Year’s Resolutions fall like dominoes before the New Year is even 3 months old.  While this may be (okay, is) a cynical view, I know that many folks wonder why we have to pick… Read more »