OpenSesame blog

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Webinar: 5 Best Practices for Employee Development

Development is a big deal – it is at the top of CEOs’ priority lists. Research studies show companies that develop their employees and do it well reap big rewards in terms of product innovation, market share, and efficiencies to name just a few. To help customers build successful professional development programs, OpenSesame is partnering… Read more »

Social Recruiting: Do’s and Don’ts with Chandlee Bryan Part II

Yesterday we shared a few ‘Do’s’ when it comes to beginning your social recruiting program. Today we’ll cover the ‘Don’ts’ and how to avoid these common pitfalls. Content is more than text If you aren’t producing compelling content on your social networks, chances are candidates won’t find your company compelling. Bryan believes businesses using Pinterest… Read more »

Social Recruiting: Do’s and Don’ts with Chandlee Bryan

A 2012 survey produced by Jobvite says 92% of recruiters use social media to employ candidates. With many recruiters describing an increase in candidate quantity and a decrease in time to hire, it’s no wonder social recruiting’s popularity has steadily increased over the past couple of years. Guided by the expertise of Chandlee Bryan, co-author… Read more »

Introducing Intern Class of Summer 2013 (Part II)

This week the last group of the Intern Class of Summer 2013 began here at OpenSesame. These fresh faced, bright eyed students join our current group, bringing the grand total to nine interns. Many have already had posts featured on our blog, so be on the lookout for more to come! Joe Becic I am… Read more »

Productivity Wednesday: Get your inbox under control!

Remember when hearing “You’ve Got Mail!” made your heart leap in excitement, anticipation building for what special message could be waiting on the other end? How fast times change. Now that little red number hovering over the inbox icon leaves us feeling overwhelmed and terrified. Getting an inbox down to zero is a rare victory,… Read more »

HIPAA Myths and Social Media Violations

“HIPAA” is more than healthcare jargon—it’s a federal law regulating patient privacy and information security, and if you’re in the healthcare sector and have access to patients’ private health information, understanding HIPAA requirements is an essential job skill. HIPAA violations cost individuals and businesses billions of dollars in fines and remediation efforts every year. While… Read more »

Introducing Intern Class of Summer 2013

OpenSesame is excited to welcome our 2013 summer interns! This year, our interns will be focused on creating engaging content for our site visitors, honing their writing and SEO skills in the process. Our interns come to us from as far away as Boston and have a wide-range of interests and talents. We look forward… Read more »

OpenSesame adds Featured Course view

Here at OpenSesame, we are always working on ways to make finding the right elearning course as simple as possible. In addition to our many browsing and search options, OpenSesame recently updated our Seller profiles to include a ‘Featured Course’ view option. The featured course option allows sellers to highlight a course on their OpenSesame… Read more »

RedVector and OpenSesame Partner to Offer More Than 1,100 eLearning courses for the Design and Construction Industries

OpenSesame, the world’s leading marketplace for online training courses, is pleased to partner with RedVector to provide high-quality, accredited content for the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industries. Founded in 1999, RedVector has grown to become the leading provider of superior online education for the AEC industry and beyond. In partnering with OpenSesame, buyers will have access… Read more »

Maternity Leave Compliance and FMLA

Maternity leave policies have become a hot topic as more women are contributing a significant amount of a family’s monthly income. A recent study by the Pew Research Center found 40% of households now have women as the sole or primary source of income. As a result, companies need to be aware of their responsibilities… Read more »

Privacy: Online and in the Workplace

Yesterday’s revelation by the Washington Post regarding the government’s data mining program, code named ‘Project PRISM’, has ignited a heated debate on privacy rights in the United States. The extraordinary expansion of technology in the last decade has fundamentally changed the way individuals, businesses and governments define privacy rights – and most of us are… Read more »

5 Tips for Successful Networking

Networking can be stressful for even the most experienced professional. While we are constantly drilled on the importance of networking, attending an event is still a nerve wracking experience for many of us. Yet the importance of networking is drilled into us for a reason. Networking has been found to be the leading source of… Read more »

OpenSesame as your eLearning Library: Finding the right course

I adore libraries – the smell of the books, the quiet hush of reader’s learning and the endless possibilities just sitting on shelves, awaiting my attention. Unfortunately, this same feeling of possibility can also be overwhelming. A visitor looking to learn how to start a business or be a better leader can wander aimlessly through… Read more »

4 Tips for Helping Your Employees Through an Acquisition

This morning, Salesforce announced it will acquire marketing software powerhouse ExactTarget for $2.5 Billion. For both companies, today will be day of excitement, filled with popped champagne corks, flocks of press and congratulatory pats on the back. Tomorrow however, the real work begins as the companies begin merging assets, services and the more than 11,000 employees… Read more »

What is the Fair Labor Standards Act?

The Wages and Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) was passed by Congress in 1938 to create a minimum standard of living for wage-earners, including a minimum wage, increased pay for overtime work, and regulations on child labor. What Employers Should Know If your business or enterprise meets the following criteria, your employees are covered by… Read more »

10 LinkedIn Groups for IT Professionals

You’ve updated your profile, added connections, followed companies, and garnered some endorsements and recommendations – what’s left for you to make the most of LinkedIn? Groups! Joining groups has many benefits, such as networking with industry leaders or getting feedback on ideas, but as an IT professional how do you know which LinkedIn groups are… Read more »

Rise of the Pay-Per-Use Model

Before iTunes, music fans were forced to purchase an entire album in order to listen to their one favorite single. Music companies loved this model because they profited from the entire album, even if it only contained one good song. Birth of Pay-Per-Use The idea began with Napster, but it was iTunes that really capitalized… Read more »