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Learning Resolutions: Keep Practicing

Editor’s Note: Guest post by Melissa Venable  Making professional resolutions, for me, means answering the question: How can I improve the work I am doing? And it’s not about creating a long list, but instead setting my sights on specific ways to develop better habits and get what will be a busy year off to… Read more »

Learning Resolutions: Slow & Simplify

Resolution: The act or process of resolving as: the act of analyzing a complex notion into simpler ones  Things have gotten quite complex. Business is evolving rapidly and information changes by the minute. Technology with all its amazing ability to aid in the learning process, can also serve to overwhelm. The shear volume of choices… Read more »

Learning Resolutions: Make the Investment in Yourself

BE CURIOUS. ASK A LOT OF QUESTIONS. Obviously a lot of learning comes from asking questions. But too often we don’t ask the right question. The right question is far more valuable than a great answer to the wrong question. Eric Schmidt of Google said, “We run this company on questions, not answers.” Questions and… Read more »

Learning Resolutions: Chasing Learning Squirrels

When it comes to trying out any shiny new object in the learning field, I tend to be one of the first in line to buy, download, or sign up.  Excitedly chasing new tools has served me well, providing me with a broad scope of productivity and design tools and skills with which I have… Read more »

Learning Resolutions: Thinking Big in 2013

Sometimes we forget: eLearning is a broad concept, not just courses delivered on a computer. As I frame my resolutions for 2013, I’m reminding myself to keep thinking broadly about what defines our profession. The first thing I’d improve is to really focus on behavior change. Most of time elearning is requested because the client… Read more »

Learning Resolutions: The Habit of Mindfulness

Be Mindful Resolutions aren’t really my thing. They’re usually something people write out with great hopes on January 1, only to find themselves on January 22 sitting in front of the TV with a huge bowl of ice cream instead of running at the gym. So instead, I’d like to talk about changing some habits with regards… Read more »

Learning Resolutions: How Delightful!

So, I originally wrote a different version of this post, talking about my resolution to create better end-user feedback loops for the learning I design. I was an okay resolution – I’m already doing that, but I could do a better job.  It’s something that I believe wholeheartedly in, and think is very, very important.… Read more »

Learning Resolutions: Make it Instant, Personal and Difficult

There are three things that I want to see evolve in elearning over the course of 2013: Personalization by the Learner (ability to drive sequence, modality and collaboration) Increased Rigor/Difficulty in Assessment (let the learner “fail” more on the way to success) Access to Real-Time Expertise (video chat with peers or teachers embedded in elearning)… Read more »

Learning Resolutions: Design Experiences, Not Content

What do you resolve to change or improve about your work in 2013? This is a more important question for me this year than it was last year. Around this time last year I was working in Corporate America where I didn’t have much flexibility in terms of ‘resolving’ change. After launching my own elearning… Read more »

Learning Resolutions: Disrupt, Interact, and Be Mobile

Resolution 1: Disrupt Myself It’s nearly impossible to keep up with the latest learning research, technologies and trends. Yet that’s what ultimately makes this field stimulating. If we don’t maintain and sustain a continually disruptive state, how can we change and grow? In the coming year, I resolve to disrupt myself. I resolve to seek… Read more »

Sunrise over a small town

Quick and Easy Goals for 2013

Like many of the best goals, my 2013 goals are not lofty, but I have them firmly planted in my mind: I want to continue to co-host the (mostly) weekly web tv show, #eLearnChat. I am learning so much — at least as much about myself, as I am from the guests. I want to… Read more »

Learning Resolutions: Working Less to Accomplish More

In 2013, it’s time for me to do less… much less. The Pareto rule (or power laws of distribution) shows that success in a company is driven by the critical few, not the trivial many. So instead of attempting to boil the ocean trying to cover everything, it is better to focus on those key elements… Read more »

The Twitter Top 100: Education Technology Must-Follows

Getting “on Twitter” is just the first step. To make the most of Twitter for professional development and learning, you need to build a network of people with shared interests, unique experience and insights to network with and learn from. If you’re interested in education technology and training, we’ve got your starter kit right here.… Read more »

Top 10 Courses to Help You Survive Your Company Holiday Party

It’s December and that means it’s almost time for that dreaded annual event: the company holiday party. Prepare yourselves for a feast of mediocre food and awkward small talk, enlivened only by the one co-worker who has better-than-expected dance moves.  But we’re here for you. Take the 10 online training courses below and you’ll be… Read more »

Bringing Design Inspiration to Everyday Work

I have to start by saying that I typically don’t make New Year resolutions; when I see something that I want to change, I go ahead and do it. But this week, while traveling, I did something that I often do while away but rarely do at home: I went to a design exhibit. In this… Read more »

Course of the Week: Train Your Retail Team to Recognize Counterfeit Currency

Train Your Team to Recognize Counterfeit Currency by Counterfeit Forensics, LLC Don’t let holiday shoppers pass fake bills in your business Online training from a former U.S. Secret Service forensic scientist Learn to use pens and ultraviolet lights to detect fake currency Make sure your team doesn’t fall for scams during the holiday rush  

13 New Year’s Learning Resolutions for 2013

It seems like just yesterday we were blogging our holiday greetings and posting our Top Ten Learning Resources of 2011. It can’t possibly be time to wrap up 2012, can it? But New Year’s Day is just around the corner. We’re helping you get ready for 2013 with a series of Learning New Year’s Resolutions… Read more »

Spinning energy windmill on a hill

Help Your Team Be Successful With Flexible Online Training

Too many companies treat learning and development as optional – either for each employee or for the organization as a whole. But learning is not just an optional HR expense – it’s an investment in employee satisfaction, innovation and the future of your company. In short, learning matters because in this era of exponential change… Read more »