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Tools for Creating Mobile-Friendly eLearning Courses

You may be eLearning savvy, but how much do you know about mLearning? Companies are increasingly interested in creating mlearning material – elearning courses designed to work on mobile devices. We’ve previously shared our guide for best elearning authoring tools, and are now supplementing with our tool guide for creating mobile ready learning courses. Adobe… Read more »

Creating a Memorable First Day for Interns and New Hires

With Memorial day behind us and the first day of summer quickly approaching, we all know what is coming next…interns! OpenSesame will welcome 10 of our own interns in the coming weeks and, like many of you, we’ve begun planning for their arrival. As companies make these preparations, it’s important not only to focus on… Read more »

photo by hannah minkner

Hello from New Marketing Coordinator

Hello! I’m Katie Hurst, the new Marketing Coordinator for OpenSesame. As a recent Portland transplant, I’m thrilled to be joining a company so well respected in the startup community. I originally heard about OpenSesame through an article on the Oregon Tech Awards, for which OpenSesame was nominated for Technology Company of the Year – Startup.… Read more »

Spice Up Your eLearning Course with Photos

The stylish business woman leading a group of project managers, the angry boss yelling at his employees, or the snapshot of two thumbs up. A good picture can make elearning experiences visually stimulating and engaging. So how do you determine the perfect photo for your content? When choosing images for a course, you should have… Read more »

Six Reasons Why You Should Learn C#

C#—it’s not just a musical note. First introduced in 2000 alongside Microsoft’s .Net framework, it’s been through five versions and one (now-retired) mascot named Andy. Now, it’s arguably one of the most valuable programming languages to learn—and here’s why. Why Learn C#? C# popularity is higher than ever. C# was named the programming language of… Read more »

Course of the Week: Excel 2007 in Spanish

This weeks Course of the Week Excel 2007 in Spanish comes to us from SeAprende’s courses are both engaging and fun- or as they like to refer to them as Edutainment! What is Edutainment? Education + Entertainment = Edutainment! Combining Online Communication, Games and Social Networks, it is an enitrey new way to learn! … Read more »

Course of the Week: Sustainability Training Bundles

OpenSesame is featuring the Sustainability Education Series in celebration of Earth Day 2013. The creators of these courses are excited to share their expertise with the elearning community:  “It is time all companies begin to train in adding sustainability planning to their daily practices. These trainings will teach employees how to do in house energy plans, to… Read more »

Course of the Week: Secrets of A Successful Attitude

Knowing the secrets of successful attitude is one of the most important skills in any profession or industry. OpenSesame’s Course of the Week, Secrets of a Successful Attitude by Rosey Conway, demonstrates how soft-skills can be effectively taught online. Packed full of video tips, activities, exercises and strategies, you have 20 years of training experience at… Read more »

Take an eLearning Test Drive and Preview Your Courses

When is the last time you purchased a product wearing a blindfold? I’m guessing never. From mp3 music to baby clothes, and everything in between, buyers have the advantage to browse online catalogues and purchase almost anything…without having to leave their work desk or couch. Making online purchases has become convenient and easy. To strengthen… Read more »

Course of the Week: Seriously, Write Effective Emails

Seriously, Write Effective Emails – How to Write Clear Messages That Get Things Done at Work by Speak and Write, Inc teaches how to write action-oriented messages and avoid the costly back-and-forth correspondence that commonly occurs from unclear emails.   Learn best practices in email to communicate with prospects and customers Overcome common email challenges. Write a meaningful,… Read more »

SilkRoad and OpenSesame Announce Online Content Partnership

SilkRoad, the leading talent management platform, and OpenSesame, the world’s marketplace for online training courses, are proud to announce a new partnership enabling SilkRoad enterprise customers to instantly access training content for their employees. SilkRoad’s integrated Life Suite® talent management software powers the entire employee life cycle, easing recruitment challenges, smoothing the onboarding process and boosting… Read more »

How eLearning Fits Into Your Human Capital Development Plan

Wealth is simply potential actualized. One of the greatest sources of undeveloped potential is human potential – the machines, processes and mechanisms that motor the world are all conceived, designed, built and operated by human beings. People naturally want to grow and learn and will be discontent in a situation where this is not possible.… Read more »

Performance Support with Mobile

It’s still really early for mobile learning. Many workers do own smartphones, but there are still plenty of employees who are less tech savvy and struggle with mobile technology. While mobile learning is in its infancy, there is no shortage of great mobile applications out there that we can learn from. Like many in the… Read more »

Ten Online Training Do’s and Don’ts

The eLearning Brothers are more than some cool guys from Salt Lake City – they’re experts in making engaging, interactive, and inspiring eLearning Templates. Here they share their updated top 10 dos and don’ts for elearning. Creating online training isn’t easy – it takes time, energy and vision. We’re going to get you started with… Read more »

Clear, Confident Speech – Across a Conference Table or Across an Ocean

International and ESL employees who work in American and global organizations contribute valuable talents and diverse perspectives. When management makes English and pronunciation training available to them, these employees are better equipped to succeed, contribute to their teams, and strengthen the organization. American English is the lingua franca of business and a fundamental competency skill. Fortunately, clear spoken English is… Read more »

3 Psychological Principles You Can Use to Improve Training

Psychologists have spent decades researching trends in behavior. Theorists like Pavlov used classical conditioning to activate salivation in dogs, and Bandura showed how modeling with Bobo Dolls contributed to social learning theory. These historical findings help us understand why people behave the way they do. Have you ever asked yourself – Why do I feel… Read more »