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Members of a team riding their bikes on a beach

Building Effective Teams

Being a leader does not mean doing everything yourself. Effective leaders understand that delegating tasks can make them more effective. Sometimes tasks can be delegated to an individual, but other projects require the attention of a team. Team building skills are a critical facet of leadership. When teammates collaborate effectively, they can tackle seemingly insurmountable… Read more »

Web Design: 7 Courses and Tutorials to Get You Started

It’s not hard to get into web design. Really, it isn’t. With a little tact, persistence, and the right learning materials you can be creating professional-looking websites of your own. HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are the fundamental building blocks of every website online. At first, these programming languages may look… Read more »

5 eLearning Courses to Get You Started with eLearning

You’re excited about creating your first elearning course. You have expertise in a useful topic and you want to share your insights. Excited to get started, you log on to check out various elearning blogs, message boards and social media groups. After just half an hour, your head is spinning. LMS, MOOC, SCORM… Gamification, authoring… Read more »

5 Rules for Simple OSHA Ladder Safety

In November 2018 OSHA will implement new standards for fixed ladders. See OpenSesame’s updated guide, “Six Guidelines for OSHA ladder safety 2018” for a summary of new ladder safety standards.   Ladders, when used effectively, make large-scale jobs easier. Anyone in construction understands the advantages of this tool. Workers gain access to hard to reach… Read more »

Course of the Week: Build Engagement

Thousands of courses, instantly ™ Regulation Compliance Employee Development Business Growth   Build Engagement by Vado Increase employee engagement Help them understand business goals Improve satisfaction Increase productivity As low as $4.95 Top Business Courses Sexual Harassment Mastering Management Presentation Skills Top Leadership Courses Leadership Challenge Effective Leadership Leadership Development Courses Business Skills Compliance Safety… Read more »

OpenSesame office

Creating Collaborative Spaces

OpenSesame was born in a kitchen. In a small, dark room with a sink, an empty hole where an oven used to be and tile floors, our first days were packed with hard work but lacked glamor. After we launched our elearning marketplace, we soon moved into a space the size of a large SUV… Read more »

Top 8 eLearning Localization Resources

Localizing your training is a daunting multistep process. It forces companies to take into account linguistic and cultural factors that they would otherwise take for granted. For example, say you want to use an image indicating positive affirmation in your elearning course about effectively giving feedback. For viewers in the Americas, even those originally from… Read more »

Man speaking in front of a group of people

Using eLearning to Amplify Talent Development with Who, What & How

Some organizations struggle with talent development. They find it difficult to balance “what’s good for the organization” and “what will engage the employee”. Organizations need certain skills to execute their strategies, and satisfied employees are a prerequisite to successful organizations. In talent development, you can’t separate the what, how, or the who. The skills are important for the company.… Read more »

Lab tech washing hands in sink

Top 10 Most Frequently Cited OSHA Standards

In 1970, Congress enacted the Occupational Safety and Health Safety Act to regulate work practices and ensure that employers and their employees reduce the amount of job related injuries, illnesses, and death. OSHA regulations include guidelines for employees to limit chemical exposure, increase access to information, and enforce requirements for the use of personal protective… Read more »

Lab tech washing hands in sink

Course of the Week: Hazard Communication for OSHA Compliance

  Thousands of courses, instantly ™ Regulation Compliance Employee Development Business Growth   OSHA – Hazard Communication by Vivid Learning Systems Keep employees safe and comply with OSHA regulations Understand information provided on label or MSDS Detect the presence of hazardous chemicals Understand how to protect yourself  As low as $8.40 Top Compliance Courses Sexual… Read more »

cooling towers under a blue sky

OSHA Regulations & Safety Training Solutions by Vivid Learning

There is no predicting the potential costs a workplace accident can create for your company. Beyond the financial obligations, you want to ensure that your employees are comfortable and able to work efficiently without having to worry about their safety. Fortunately, many of these workplace accidents can be avoided if the proper safety and communication… Read more »

glasses resting on a stack of books

How to Speak Like an eLearning Pro

With the increasing shift to elearning, new people have the “jargon experience” each day. For novices, it can be difficult to get started when the response to a simple question is laden with what sounds like absolute gibberish: “No problem! All we have to do is to convert all the media to .flv so it… Read more »

Solve Training Needs Now With Course Bundles

OpenSesame’s newest feature is course bundles, or “playlists” of training courses purchased as a group. Top sellers throughout the OpenSesame elearning marketplace are using this new feature to create curated groups of courses. The course bundle sales format is useful for providing a complete, competency-based curriculum. For example, if your marketing analytics company is switching… Read more »

Men and women working together on a project

Are Business Values Important?

Valuing your business by the bottom line is certainly important, but what about valuing your business by its values? Workplace values go unnoticed until a major corporate scandal rocks the business world. When Enron’s accounting fraud was brought to light, commentators highlighted the major disconnect between the company’s stated values (communication, respect, integrity and excellence)… Read more »

Opera house in Paris, France

Top 10 Destinations to Study for Academics

Over the past two decades, students from all over the world have been studying abroad in huge numbers. According to the International Institute of Education, around 270,000 American students studied abroad in 2010. While the cultural aspect of the experience often takes precedence, it is also important to choose a good university in terms of… Read more »

Opera house in Paris, France

Course of the Week: Sexual Harassment for Supervisors

Thousands of courses, instantly ™ Business Growth Employee Development Business Growth   Sexual Harassment for Supervisors by J .J. Keller Help your supervisors prevent sexual harassment Learn to prevent harassment in the workplace Create a welcoming, productive environment Stop lawsuits and boost team morale Starting at $12 Exclusive: FranklinCovey Team Courses Team Victory Effective Execution… Read more »

Transportation Safety Lessons From the Iditarod

Office safety training may seem unnecessary if you work in an office like ours. Each day here at OpenSesame, we sit at our desks typing furiously on our laptops. It seems the greatest occupational hazard we face is carpal tunnel, or – at worst – bruises from a broken office chair. But safety training becomes… Read more »

Camera lens

25 Online Resources to Make You a Photoshop Expert

Photoshop is the leading photo editing software on the market, with hundreds of functions and applications. While almost anyone can crop a photo, even the pros take years to master the use of the myriad tools – from color correction to more dramatic editing. In a fast-paced, competitive global business arena, just getting by isn’t… Read more »

10 Tips for CRUSHING Your Next Presentation

More than half of Americans would rather die than speak publicly. This means more than half of Americans willingly reject incredible opportunities to share their best ideas with a captive audience – opportunities that could prove to be career-changers. Luckily, being comfortable with public speaking is not something some people have and others don’t. It… Read more »